February 5th Program Review
COE feedback is needed!
The next meeting of the State Allocation Board’s Program Review Subcommittee will focus on County Offices of Education’s (COE) role with regard to the State’s School Facility Program (SFP). Also on the agenda that day will be a review of the Financial Hardship Program. We hope to see a strong showing of COEs in attendance at this hearing!
- The Subcommittee is looking for our perspective on the challenges in housing the students COEs serve.
- This is our moment to let the Subcommittee know our challenges and creativity within the parameters of the SFP program.
- In anticipation of the hearing, we would like to gather some background information for the Subcommittee.
- At the recent request of the SAB Chair, Pedro Reyes at the Department of Finance, materials need to be in at least three days before the hearing.
- Please return attached to an email or by fax by Monday, January 29, 2013.
- Otherwise, please submit by February 4th and we'll take it to the meeting.
Below is an easy-to-fill-out form for information on your recent projects.
Please include projects that have been done in the last three years.
Click here for Project Form
Click here for Sample Form
Please fax the form to 916.441.3893 or email to adalen@m-w-h.com
If you have any questions, please contact me at aferrera@m-w-h.com.
In anticipation of this hearing, we will be scheduling a CSFC conference call next week. Information on the call to come.
Thank you.
Anna M.
Murdoch, Walrath and
Fax: 916.441.3893