County School Facilities Consortium


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Meetings & Events

Monthly Virtual Meetings - Open to all CSFC Members!

CSFC 2025 Meeting Schedule

(as of 1/13/25)

Make sure to mark your calendar!

Monthly Meeting Agendas & Handouts

The 2024 Annual Summit

September 12-13, 2024

Embassy Suites Sacramento Riverfront Promenade

Sacramento, CA


View the 2024 Annual Summit Agenda

Attendees at the 2024 Summit heard the following presentations and participated in the following discussions:

In addition to these presentations Summit attendees enjoyed dedicated networking time at the Summit Dinner, hosted at The Firehouse Restaurant in Old Sacramento, and during the hosted networking lunch on Friday afternoon at the Embassy Suites.

The 2023 Annual Summit

September 28-29, 2023

Embassy Suites Sacramento Riverfront Promenade

Sacramento, CA


View the 2023 Annual Summit Agenda

Attendees at the 2023 Summit heard the following presentations and participated in the following discussions:

In addition to these presentations, Summit attendees enjoyed networking time at the Summit Dinner, hosted at Rio City Cafe in Old Sacramento, and during the hosted networking lunch on Friday afternoon at the Embassy Suites.

The 2022 Annual Summit

October 27-28, 2022 - Embassy Suites Sacramento Riverfront Promenade


View the 2022 Annual Summit Agenda

Attendees at the 2022 Summit heard the following presentations and participated in the following activities (click to view handouts):

The 2021 Virtual Annual Summit

September 23-24, 2021 - Zoom


Attendees at the 2021 Virtual Summit heard presentations and participated in the following activities:

  • DSA Update and Sustainability Discussion with State Architect Ida Clair
  • Striving for Indoor Air Quality
  • Outdoor Learning Environments - LACOE Case Study
  • SB 1383 for Local Education Agencies presented by CalRecycle
  • OPSC Update from Executive Officer Lisa Silverman
  • CDE Update from the Emergency Response Team
  • Legal Presentation - Overview of Alternative Contracting Methods
  • Guided Discussion - Ground Leases and Use Agreements: Coordinating with our District Partners
  • Open Forum Networking lunch

2021 Summit Handouts

CSFC Participation at the 2021 CASH Conference in Palm Springs

CSFC Workshop and Meeting: Modernizing School Safety Plans to Meet Today's Challenges
Our June 2021 monthly meeting took place as part of a joint workshop/meeting held during the 42nd CASH Annual Conference on School Facilities on Monday, June 28, 2021. This event was was open to both member and non-member conference attendees.

The first part of this session featured a mini-workshop on comprehensive school safety plans (CSSPs) – their purpose and the role that COEs play, and how to go beyond the standards to incorporate strategies to address today’s pressing issues, such as pandemics, wildfires and air quality.

The second part of the session featured a brief CSFC business meeting. Attendees learned more about what CSFC is doing on legislative, budget, and regulatory advocacy in Sacramento on behalf of county offices of education.

Workshop panelists included: Rebekah Cearley, CSFC; Ian Padilla, CSFC; Andy Perez, Office of the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools; Jema Estrella, Los Angeles County Office of Education

CSFC Participation at the 2020 CASH Annual Conference in Long Beach

CSFC Membership Meeting
Our February 2020 monthly meeting took place during the 41st CASH Annual Conference on School Facilities on Friday, February 21, 2020. The meeting was open to both members and non-members.

CSFC Joint Workshop

"The New Normal? Preparing for Public Safety Power Shutdowns"

In the past few years, Californians experienced significant challenges anticipating and responding to public safety power shutdowns and a series of devastating wildfires. How schools deal with electrical blackouts has become a hot topic and significant challenge for school facility and maintenance departments. Does your district’s emergency preparedness plan include protocols to address these critical health and safety issues? Will your communications systems remain functional during emergency events? How do you ensure power stability, and what issues must be addressed during power shutdowns? In this workshop, you’ll hear from school district representatives on how they responded to power shutdowns, and the challenges they faced.

This workshop was a collaboration between the CASH Maintenance Network, the County School Facilities Consortium, and the School Energy Coalition, and included the California Department of Education, which provides leadership and guidance on emergency preparedness and disaster response.

Workshop panelists included: Rebekah Cearley, CSFC; Ian Padilla, CASH Maintenance Network/School Energy Coalition; Steve Turner, Mendocino COE; Gabriel Sherman, Ukiah USD; Juan Mireles, California Department of Education.

The 2019 Annual Summit

September 18-19, 2019 - The Westin Hotel, Sacramento


Attendees at the 2019 Summit heard presentations and participated in activities related to:

  • DSA Update and Universal Design Discussion with Acting State Architect Ida Clair
  • AB 48 - 2020 State School Bond Update
  • School Safety and Disaster Preparedness Panel
  • OPSC Update from Executive Officer Lisa Silverman
  • Program Take-Backs and the Evolution of Serving Special Education Students
  • Storm Water Issues and MS4 Permit Panel Discussion
  • Legislative and Federal Updates

Summit Handouts

CSFC Participation at the 2019 CASH Annual Conference

CSFC Membership Meeting

Our February monthly meeting took place during the 40th CASH Annual Conference on February 27, 2019. The meeting was open to both members and non-members.


CSFC Workshop

"Examining a Regional Approach to School Safety and Training Practices"

Every student deserves to have a safe, healthy, and productive learning environment, and county offices of education can play a unique role in facilitating school safety policies and best practices. This workshop will explore school safety from a regional perspective, focusing on the role that Monterey County Office of Education has played to develop a standardized approach to planning and training for crisis and emergency response for the school districts within its county.

We'll explore best practices for developing and implementing a Comprehensive School Safety Plan, and how a coordinated regional approach can improve the process. This regional approach led to the Monterey COE Safety Consortium's adoption of the ALICE (Alert Lockdown Inform Counter Evacuate) approach to active shooter threats. We will also discuss a small step that can make a big impact: assessing school sites for unique vulnerabilities and potential safety improvements.

Moderated by CSFC Chair Joshua Jorn (Monterey COE) and CSFC Immediate Past Chair Jema Estrella (LACOE) the workshop provided attendeees with important knowledge related to school safety.

The 2018 Annual Summit

October 4-5, 2018 - The Westin Hotel Sacramento


The 2018 Summit included discussion sections on:

  • Proposition 51 Implementation
  • 2020 Bond Development
  • Stormwater and State Water Resources Control Board Issues
  • Legal Hot Topics
  • Local Audits for School Facility Program Projects
  • School Safety and Disaster Preaparedness
  • Legislative and Regulatory Update
  • OPSC and CDE Updates


Summit Handouts

CSFC Participation at the 2018 CASH Annual Conference

CSFC Membership Meeting

Our February monthly meeting took place during the CASH Annual Conference. The meeting was open to both members and non-members.


CSFC Workshop

"Facilities in the LCAP: Evauluating Progress Toward Good Repair"

Facilities are an important part of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), which is developed by each school district and county office of education to establish budget commitments and guide progress toward a variety of goals. Now that California is a few years into the LCAP process, we will explore the progress that has been made toward more descriptive and robust statements on facilities and good repair in district LCAPs.

  • What oversight role does the county office of education play in assessing the sufficiency of district LCAPs?
  • What opportunities exist for further improvement of facilities in LCAPs, and what tools can facilities professionals use to successfully advocate for facilities funding in the LCAP process?

Hosted by CSFC Chair Jema Estrella (LA COE) and a panel of speakers, attendeeds gained important knowledge related to facilities in the LCAP!

The 2017 Annual Summit

September 28-29, 2017 - Sheraton Grand Hotel, Sacramento, CA

The CSFC Summit is the prime venue to share facilities expertise and discuss best practices and challenges with other County Offices of Education, and discuss unique COE issues with prominent state officials. The Summit is open to all COEs (CSFC membership is not a requirement for COE attendance), and our Associate member friends. 

Our traditional Networking Reception and Dinner will be hosted Thursday night at Cafeteria 15L, walking distance from the Summit hotel, and will feature the presentation of the CSFC Facilities Leadership Award as well as provide an opportunity for networking with your colleagues and key facilities leaders. 

View the Summit Agenda

View the Presentations from the 2017 Summit

CSFC Participation at the 2017 CASH Annual Conference


CSFC Membership Meeting


When: Wednesday, February 22, 2017, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Where: Sacramento Convention Center, Room 319

Our monthly meeting for February will take place at the CASH Annual Conference. If you are attending the Conference, please plan to attend this meting. The meeting will be open to both members an non-members, so please bring anyone you think might be interested in hearing about COE issues. *If you are a CSFC member, you do NOT need to be registered for the Conference to attend this meeting.

Meeting Handouts:

CSFC Workshop


"Special Education Integration: Overcoming Challenges to Inclusive Siting"

When: Monday, February 20, 2017, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Where: Sacramento Convention Center, Room 303


Join leadership from the County School Facilities Consortium to hear about ways to overcome challenges to special education integration. This workshop will be led by CSFC Chair Jema Estrella (LACOE) and will feature a panel of guest speakers.  It is open to all registered Conference attendees.


Last year, we explored the concept of universal design, an inclusive and holistic approach to housing students both with and without special needs. This year, we look at ways to address special education siting issues, reviewing creative and collaborative ways to house students with special needs. 


Explore how to improve coordination between school districts, county offices, and SELPAs, and consider special education facilities funding challenges and solutions. Review the integration obligations - and opportunities - inherent in Title 5. 


Join us as we explore ways to achieve more inclusive and welcoming sites in pursuit of a true "complete school" - one that houses a broad student population with diverse abilities!

Click here to view the presentation from this workshop.

The 2016 Annual Summit

September 29-30, 2016 - Sheraton Grand Hotel, Sacramento, CA

Now is an exciting and important time for the county office of education school facilities community.  COEs are often dependent upon the state for facilities funds, and they are eagerly anticipating the state school bond in November so that vital projects can move forward.  We are developing an agenda that will include in-depth discussion and analysis of timely topics, the most significant of which is the state school bond and COE facilities funding issues.  The Summit will also feature discussions on important topics such as facilities advocacy in the Local Control Accountability Plan process, special education integration and universal design, ground leases and facility use agreements, key legislative and regulatory issues, and more.


The CSFC Summit is the prime venue to share your facilities expertise and discuss best practices and challenges with other County Offices of Education and prominent state officials.  The Summit is open to all COEs, CSFC members and non-members alike, as well as our Associate member friends.

We will continue with our traditional Legislative Reception and Dinner, which is your chance to relax and network with your colleagues and key facilities leaders while honoring this year's County School Facilities Leadership Award recipient.

Highlights of this year's program will include:

  • Review and setting of CSFC 2016-17 Goals & Priorities
  • An Insider's Look at State School Bond Efforts
  • County Office of Education Facilities Funding Issues
  • Advocating Effectively for Facilties Funds in the LCAP Process
  • Special Education Integration and Universal Design
  • Ground Leases and Facility Use Agreements
  • New Legislation and Regulatory Issues
  • Networking Reception and Group Dinner hosted at Downtown & Vine in Downtown Sacramento

Click here to view the presentations from the 2016 Annual Summit

Join CSFC at the CASH Annual Conference

CSFC Membership Meeting


When: Wednesday, February 24, 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Where: Sacramento Convention Center, Room 303

Our monthly meeting for February will take place at the Annual Conference. If you are attending the Conference, please plan to attend this meting. The meeting will be open to both members an non-members, so please bring anyone you think might be interested in hearing about COE issues. *If you are a CSFC member, you do NOT need to be registered for the Conference to attend this meeting.

CSFC Workshop

"Special Education in the Classroom: Designing for and Serving all Students"

When: Monday, February 22, 2016, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Where: Sacramento Convention Center, Room 304/305

Every student deserves to have a great education, including students with special needs! Last year, we explored opportunities to maximize integration of all our students in the least restrictive environment, with a focus on integrating special education classrooms onto our school sites. This year, we follow up that successful workshop with a look inside the four walls of the classroom. Come hear about the benefits of universal design, which strives for inclusive rather than separate spaces, by taking a holistic approach to housing both students with and without special needs. This approach encourages schools to have at least one classroom with universal features that could be used by the entire student population. Explore how to apply the tenets of 21st Century learning environments to spaces for our special education students, and hear about the benefits of NextGen furniture and equipment for a variety of special education student designations. Join us as we explore ways to make all our sites more inclusive and welcoming for all student populations.

This workshop will be led by CSFC Chair Lindsay Currier and will feature a panel of guest speakers.  It is open to all registered Conference attendees.

Click here to view the presentation from this workshop.


2015 Annual Summit

September 24-25, 2015 - Hoilday Inn, Capitol Plaza, Sacramento, CA

Halfway through 2015, we find ourselves in a very unique place.  School facilities funding issues are a current hot topic of discussion among key decision-makers in Sacramento, as they consider the future of the state's role.  By late September, we may know the fate of the C.A.S.H./CBIA signature gathering initiative, which would place a $9 billion bond on the November 2016 ballot and have a significant impact on ongoing policy discussions regarding school facilities.


Water conservation and drought response, special education reforms and integration efforts, and the implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) have all been significant issues on the table in 2015.  Come join your colleagues to hear the latest on these and other issues affecting county schools, as we develop a path forward in the evolving education environment.


The CSFC Summit is the prime venue to share your facilities expertise and discuss best practices and challenges with other County Offices of Education and prominent state officials.  The Summit is open to all COEs, CSFC members and non-members alike, as well as our Associate member friends.

Highlights of this year's program include:

  • State School Bond Discussion featuring Political Strategist Tony Russo with Russo Miller and Associates
  • Review of CSFC 2015-16 Goals & Priorities
  • Panel on Water Conservation and Efficiency featuring CA State Water Board, DSA and CDE
  • Good Repair and the LCFF by David Sapp, ACLU
  • California Department of Education Update
  • Water Conservation Case Study - Mendocino COE
  • Proposition 39 Update by Anna Ferrera with School Energy Coalition
  • Networking Reception with State Officials and Legislative Staffers
  • Group Dinner at Ten 22 in Old Sacramento

Click here to view photos from the 2015 Annual Summit

Click here to view the presentations from the 2015 Annual Summit

2014 Annual Summit

September 25-26, 2014 - U.C. Center, Sacramento & Elks Tower Building, Sacramento

It is time again for the CSFC Annual Summit! 


2014 has been a major year for school facilities.  The year has been dominated by efforts to move a school bond through the Legislature and earn the Governor's support.  Significant facilities budget proposals, the implementation of Proposition 39, and an update to Title 5 siting regulations have all been on the table.  Come join your colleagues to hear the latest on these and other issues affecting county schools.


The CSFC Summit is the prime venue to share your facilities expertise and discuss best practices and challenges with other County Offices of Education (COEs) and prominent state officials.  The Summit is open to all COEs - CSFC members and non-members alike, as well as our Associate member friends.


It wouldn't be the Summit without the Legislative Reception and Dinner.  Unwind and mingle with your colleagues and key facilities leaders while honoring this year's County School Facilities Leadership Award recipient.


We had a great Summit last year and we look forward to continuing the tradition of quality collaboration, great discussions and good times in 2014! Please join us September 25th and 26th in Sacramento!

Click here to see photos from the 2014 Annual Summit

Click here to view the presentations from the 2014 Annual Summit

2013 Annual Summit

September 16, 2013 - Yolo County Office of Education

1280 Santa Anita Court, Suite 100, Woodland

September 17, 2013 - Elks Tower Building

921 11th Street, Sacramento

The County School Facilities Consortium (CSFC) was formed in 1993 to promote and support state funding for county-operated school facilities.The CSFC Annual Summit is our annual meeting held in September or October of every year. This event is two days in length and consists of goal-setting for the organization, networking with other County Offices of Education in the state, presentations and conversations with various state agencies and collaboration to provide equity to all within the School Facility Program.

CSFC advocates for legislation and state regulations that will support all aspects of county office public school facility construction and renovation, monitoring and informing our membership on state actions that may impact county office school facilities.

CSFC’s 2013 Annual Summit is a unique forum that brings state officials together with facility representatives from COEs to discuss the legislative, regulatory and budget proposals that may impact county schools. It also provides networking opportunities with other county office representatives statewide to address common problems and share solutions. 

Click here to view the presentations from the 2013 Annual Summit

General Update Meeting

Date: February 27, 2013 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Location: Sacramento Convention Center, Room 303

This annual meeting is held in conjunction with the C.A.S.H. Annual Conference in Sacramento. It is open to all who wish to attend.

To attend, please follow the link below:

Coalition for Adequate School Housing (C.A.S.H.) Annual Conference

Dates: February 25 - February 27, 2013

Location: Sacramento Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Hotel

Executive Committee Meetings

Location: 1130 K Street, Suite 210, Sacramento, CA 95814

Dates: January 23rd, 2013

SAB Meeting Dates

The CSFC Executive Committee meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 12:30 p.m. on the same day that the SAB committee meets.. All members are encouraged to attend these meetings. They are conducted both in-person or via conference call.

Please follow this link to the State Allocation Board website to find additional meeting information..

Previous Meeting Information and Materials

2012 Annual Summit Presentations:

Tom Duffy, Coalition for Adequate School Housing

Ian Padilla, Coalition for Adequate School Housing

Lisa Silverman and Rick Asbell, Office of Public School Construction

Bill Savidge, State Allocation Board

Kathleen Moore, CDE and Dr. Jeff Vincent, UC Berkeley, Center for Cities and Schools

Steve Turner, Mendocino County Office of Education

California Financial Services Financing Panel

Lori Raineri, Government Financial Strategies


2012 Executive Committee Meeting Calendar

All meetings will be held at the Office of Murdoch Walrath & Holmes, located at 1130 K Street, Suite 210, Sacramento, CA  95814. Meeting times and dates are subject to change.


To view and download presentations made at the 2011 Summit, click here.

    County School Facilities Consortium, 1303 J Street, Suite 520, Sacramento, CA 95814
    Phone: 916-441-3300, Fax: 916-441-3893, Email:
      © 2015 County School Facilities Consortium