Certification Filing Period Deadline is Thursday, August 25
FROM: California Dept. of General Services
REMINDER: Certification Filing Period Deadline is Thursday, August 25
At the May 25, 2011 State Allocation Board (SAB) meeting, the SAB approved regulations to create two certification filing periods per year in order for projects on the Unfunded Approvals list to receive apportionments. The first 30-calendar day filing period began on July 27, 2011.
As a reminder, the deadline for certifications to be physically received by the Office of Public School Construction under the current certification filing period is close of business on Thursday, August 25, 2011. Following this deadline, the next opportunity for districts to submit certifications will begin on January 11, 2012.
Districts opting to participate in the new funding process must submit a request to convert an Unfunded Approval to an Apportionment. For information on requirements and instructions for submitting certifications, please refer to the Procedures for School Facility Program Funding. It is recommended that districts monitor any mailed certifications by tracking the parcel and receiving delivery confirmation.
Certifications for the first filing round will be valid until January 10, 2012. As bond sales take place or cash becomes available, districts that have submitted a certification within the appropriate six-month window will be eligible for priority funding apportionments. If the district’s project receives an apportionment, the District will have 90 days from the apportionment date to submit a Fund Release Authorization (Form SAB 50-05).
It is important that all school districts that can meet the certification submit the certifications within the filing periods, no matter the order of the project/s on the Unfunded Approvals list. The listing of school districts ready for apportionments may help to determine the cash needs of the School Facility Program.
If you have any questions about the certification filing period, please contact your OPSC Project Manager. For questions about Financial Hardship projects, please contact Jason Hernandez at jason.hernandez@dgs.ca.gov or Steve Inman at steve.inman@dgs.ca.gov. |